Video: Color Mixing with Bokkei
February 17, 2017

Video: Cindy Barillet
April 8, 2017A new PanPastel Book has been launched in Germany! The book – by painter Nicole Menz – contains many different PanPastel painting projects with lots of step-by-step images. While it is available only in German at the moment we are working with the publisher to make it available in English (& hopefully other languages) soon. We’ll be sharing more details of the book and it’s availability in other languages soon. Watch this space!
Here is the link for the book in German: PanPastel Book.
The following video show demonstrating one of her PanPastel painting techniques:
Nicole Menz
Nicole Menz is one of the leading acrylic painters in Germany. Her paintings are exhibited and sold worldwide. In 2001 she received the renowned Italian art prize “Premio di Riviera per l’arte”. Nicole teaches intensive painting workshops with PanPastel. For more information visit her website: NicoleMenz.de