Wendy Layne Video
March 21, 2016

Video – Backgrounds Hrönn Traustadóttir
May 3, 2016Visiting Hawaii with PanPastel Colors and UART sanded paper
In January I finally got to know PanPastel Colors at the Creativeworld Fair in Frankfurt. That weekend, I did some demos for UART Sanded Pastel Papers at their booth. During a break, I discovered the PanPastel booth at the Paperworld Fair which took place at the same time in the same hall. I had often seen their colours, but only got the chance to test them during the fair. After seeing a short demo I was very surprised; I really wanted to try them out for myself!
My trip to Hawaii is unforgettable; I chose my motif from among more than 2,600 photos. The seven pools on the slopes of the Haleakala in the Oheo Gulch are fed by waterfalls and enchant every time.
I had a sample set of 10 PanPastel colours which I used on UART Sanded paper 500 grade; I was really curious to see how they could be used.
With the Sofft Big Oval sponge (61041) I prepared the sky with a few swipes of Phthalo Blue (560.5) and lightened it with Titanium White (100.5). Usually I use my palms and finger tips to spread soft pastels over a big surface. With PanPastel I didn’t need to do that and my hands stayed clean!
“Seven Sacred Pools” Dolores Saul – Underpainting PanPastel on Uart Paper
I indicated the bridge in black with the flat edge of Sofft Sponge Bar Flat (61022) before I lost it in the Hawaiian jungle. No preliminary sketch! Bravely, I dabbed in the trees with Phthalo Green (620.5) using the Sofft Knife Oval (No.3) and added the highlights in fresh Hansa Yellow (220.5). In between, I wiped off the excess colours on a clean paper towel so I didn’t need to change the applicator. For the rocks I used Sofft Sponge Bar Point (61024) and worked this area with Black (800.5), Magenta (430.5) and Magenta Tint (430.8). I was very surprised how quick and easy it was to create the painting. I had avoided painting the waterfalls until now because I didn’t want to muddy the paper but that turned out to be unnecessary. With PanPastel Colors there was no pastel dust! Even after painting several layers, the colours stayed firmly adhered to the sanded paper.
I painted the darker areas of the trees with Chromium Oxide Green (660.5) and Phthalo Blue (560.5). I added small accents for the red bushes with Permanent Red (340.5) and Hansa Yellow (220.5) which I lightly mixed.
“Seven Sacred Pools” Dolores Saul – PanPastel & Pastel Sticks on Uart Paper
I painted the falling water with Titanium White (100.5) and Phthalo Blue (560.5) and marked the light reflexes on the surface of the pool with the Mini Applicator (63052). Small mistakes were easily corrected with an eraser. For the fine details I used Faber Castell Polychromos hard pastel sticks. In a short amount of time I had created a complete painting!
You can create a wonderful painting with just a few PanPastel Colors. Your hands stay clean and your work space free of pastel dust. Due to their creamy consistency there is no loss of colours as with the breakable traditional soft pastel sticks. You can easily wash out he sponges with water and soap. You will be perfectly prepared for your next travel with a minimal palette of only 10 colours and the sanded pastel paper from UART. The painting doesn’t need a fixative and can be immediately framed. The colours are lightfast and the paper is acid free and ph-neutral. In the future I will use PanPastel colors in my studio for underpainting and big surfaces and for shadow areas as well. Painting is fast and easy and therefore a lot of fun!
Many thanks to PanPastel for the sample set; together with the UART Premium Sanded Pastel Paper it makes for a perfect combination!
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WEBSITE http://www.dolores-saul.de
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/D.Saul.ART/
Her work can also be found at the PASTEL GUILD OF EUROPE WEBSITE