Artist Q&A: Sheena Pike
November 30, 2015

December 8, 2015Congratulations to Sandra Willis, one of the winners in The Pastel Journal’s “Pastel 100” competition. Sandra won a selection of PanPastel Colors for her prize. She is based in Australia, and has been using PanPastel regularly. Including the paintings shown here.
She says: “PanPastel Colours are perfect for getting down large blocks of colour quickly without filling up the tooth of the paper. I just love the way the colours can be blended, and the coverage is excellent. I’ve been using PanPastel Colours mostly to do underpaintings for my pastel paintings, but I’m tending to get further and further into the paintings with the pans before I start using pastel sticks. Attached are some of the paintings which I did this way. The portrait of the man is about 40% PanPastel, while that of the dog is about 70%.”
To see more of Sandra’s work visit:
The full list of Pastel 100 competition winners can be found here: artistsnetwork.com