August 28, 2014

INSPIRATION: Monotypes – Dawn Emerson
October 9, 2014Linda Robertson is the artist that initially got me excited about the possibilities of using PanPastel with encaustic paints.
I saw her incorporating PanPastel with encaustic paints at a demonstration shortly after we had launched our products. Since then I have dabbled in encaustics in my own studio, still always incorporating PanPastel (I can’t help it!). Linda’s book “Embracing Encaustic” was a great guide as I started exploring encaustics. Linda is an inspiring artist and teacher, and she now offers a series of online video lessons, so that you can take classes in the comfort of your home/studio. One of the classes in the series covers how to use PanPastel with stencils for encaustics: http://vimeo.com/ondemand/9069
Click on any of the images in this post to watch a preview of the class. For more information on Linda Robertson: http://www.lindarobertsonarts.com